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Abate – Weight Loss
Stop hunger, appetite, and cravings
Why Abate™?
Why Abate™?
“I got to my goal weight and I’m not always short of breath.
– B.J., lost 41 pounds in 3 months.
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Nasal spray temporarily blocks smell and taste.
Purely topical so NO SIDE EFFECTS other than the brief (hours) loss of smell and taste.
Nobody likes to eat “tasteless” foods!
Hence, acts as a Behavior Modifier to directly affect meal and eating portions.
Unique and proprietary application technique.
More viscous and mucoadhesive than other nasal sprays with 2 actives to block olfaction (very commonly used in other applications).
Fully formulated and developed with Summit Biosciences (Nasal Spray Specialty Pharmaceutical Manufacturer), Lexington, Kentucky.
Patent Pending